Sun 22 and 29: Liverpool, Ireland in our Bones – Walks of the Georgian Quarter
Also running: Sat 21 and 28: Liverpool, Ireland and the luck of the Irish Beatles! – Walks from Hope St to the City Centre
Liverpool Music Tours are offering two cultural walking tours. The first Liverpool, Ireland and the luck of the Irish Beatles starts in The Casa (Hope St) and takes you into the city centre. The second Liverpool, Ireland in our Bones starts in the Philharmonic Dining Rooms (pub on Hope St) and takes you through the glorious bohemian Georgian Quarter. These are tours with a difference. The theme is drawn around music, performed live at each destination. Each includes visits to three pubs of important historical significance to the city. Your ticket covers you for the walk, the history knowledge of your guides and their performances along the way. You buy a refreshment of your choice in each pub – should you wish to -to enjoy as Alan Burke and Debbi Stanistreet take you on a magical musical history tour. Roll up!
Saturday tours start in The Casa (Hope Street) and Sunday tours begin in the Philharmonic Dining Rooms (pub) on the corner of Hope Street and Hardman Street.
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