Make a gift

Make a gift

Can you help us support the Festival charity and its artists by making a gift?

Have you enjoyed something at the Festival that you think is worth a reward or the value of a standard event ticket? Every donation helps. In 2020, we have seen devastating losses across our income streams. In spite of this, we have done our best to develop a positive and exciting Festival with #LIF2020. Coronavirus has affected our ability to arrange and host events for four reasons:

• social distancing

• arts funding (we received 35% less arts funding in 2020 compared to 2019)

• sponsorship, advertising and ticket sales (we have lost 98% of this income compared with 2019) .

what we can expect from visitors at computers over 10 days.

Anything you can do to support us will help our work and benefit the charity (number 1100126) in to next year. We -the Festival Director and Board – thank you in advance for your kind donations.

URL to Paypal donation link.

Scan this QR code to take you to our donations page.







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21 September 2020-31 December 2020

