POSTPONED: We are sorry to say this event has had to be postponed, following new lockdrown restrictions and our commitment to safety. We hope to run them in the new year or when new guidelines permit.
Greg Quiery -author, poet, historian- leads exceptionally researched trails of Liverpool, outlining the influence Irish lives have had here.
This two hour walk –led by historian Greg Quiery- explores the dense history of a world famous district. Featuring the stories of heroic men and women; footballers and rock stars; two hidden statues; a graveyard and the legends of Dandy Pat and James Carling. The walk ends at St Anthony’s church, a short bus ride from town.
As with the South Liverpool and Irish Heritage walks, places are limited so we advise you book early to avoid disappointment.
This in an outdoor walk; please be weather prepared, comfortable and hydrated. We will observe Covid-19 regulations as at the date of the walk. Walkers should act responsibly, including wearing a mask in the event streets or locations are busy. We will do all we can to maintain social distancing, but need your active co-operation in this.
This year’s walks are held in memory of Vin Finn, Festival volunteer and Irish community champion.
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