Stowaway: scratch reading

Stowaway: scratch reading 24Oct

They wanted a better life in a brave new world.

He stowed her away to pursue their dream. Off they sailed into the sunset with their secret. However, it was the song in her heart that set her free. See how Fortune threatens to overwhelm wannabe singer Kathleen. Will she survive waves, war and stormy love affairs, only to founder in marriage or might those newly found airwaves waft her to success? Watch this Stowaway strive to exchange the inequalities of her times for her worldwide musical message of love.

Barbara Marsh’s new play is aired for the first time as part of #LIF2020. Watch this scratch reading of a new work, directed by Zara Marie Brown. Detailing an Irish journey between Liverpool and New York, witness the exchange between actors and page; story and dreams. Q&A follows with the play’s writer and director.

This is an In:Visible Women marker. It shows this event continues our In:Visible Women work. These events are always open to everyone, but are female led and often contain stories pertinent to women. In:Visible Women began in 2016 and shows the Festival’s dedication to promoting equity and hearing from women who have, historically, been diminished by societal systems. This is a small contribution to making invisible women -and their stories- visible.

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24 October 2020



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