Travel in time with poet Carmen Cullen as she explores her childhood through her beautiful video poems.
This wonderful combination of spoken and written word, images and music will transport you to Irish scenes of the 1960s. The lyrical poems of Carmen Cullen are enhanced by the original compositions of Gerry Anderson musician and images of Deirdre Ridgway.
In The Muse and Music Carmen performs her poems live, accompanied (live) by Gerry Anderson. You will also get a chance, through gentle hints, to create a collective poem. This is a unique opportunity to see a perfect combination of images, spoken word and music in a unique presentation by a much-praised writer.
Carmen is the niece of the beloved Delia Murphy (both shown below), a pioneer of the ballad tradition in Ireland, famed for such songs as The Spinning Wheel and Three Lovely Lassies.
People seeking to learn a little more about Carmen’s work can search “Carmen Cullen” on YouTube to see several of her collections.
This event contributes to the Festival’s In:Visible Women, Family and Heritage work strands. ♀️❤️🔱
This event is held in partnership with Slainte Le Chéile.
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