As some of you may recall, from last year’s BBC Travel Show, featuring the city and its Irish music heritage, Liverpool’s traditional music seisiúns (sessions) were evidently thriving.
Traditional music lovers will be delighted to learn that there are more than ever this year! Some of Liverpool’s oldest and finest pubs continue to attract musicians, singers and their audience, as usual throughout the Festival, but do check with venues and the Liverpool-Irish Trad Sessions page on Facebook, to be sure.
This is an update to 2023’s review, which can be seen here.
For example, there’s always an evening session during the Festival in the fabulously quirky Peter Kavanagh’s pub. Kavanagh’s sessions are usually on the third Friday of the month, but you can head there for tunes during the Festival on Fri 18 and Fri 25 Oct.
Year -round
Shenanigans is more central and there’s regularly a tune there, fortnightly on Wednesdays at 8pm. Another Wednesday night session is held in The White Hart (Hope St), opposite a recently revived session at The Belvedere, usually on the first Wednesday of the month and, possibly, on the 23 Oct during the Festival.
The Saddle hosts sessions on the first Thursday in the month.
Further out of town The Edinburgh (Sandown Lane) crams in the usual suspects, and — quite probably — visitors from all over the world, every Monday night from 8pm.
The Green Man (Lark Lane) hosts a session every Sunday from 7.30pm and there’s a session in its sister pub, The Red Lion (Slater St), every Tuesday (also from 7.30pm).
The Liverpool Ceili Band usually host tunes in Kelly’s Dispensary on the last Thursday of the month, so there may well be tunes there during #LIF2024. You’ll get Irish music on Sunday afternoons from 3pm until 6pm in The Caledonia.
You would expect to find trad music the Liverpool Irish Centre, usually on the third Sunday afternoon of the month, 4pm-6pm, and there’s much more there besides, of course, such as the monthly ceílí on the last Wednesday of the month.
If listening is your thing, then do head to The Dispensary in Renshaw St., where an excellent trad trio play on Thursday evenings (17 and 24 Oct during #LIF2024). Further afield, in Rainford, The Junction has a session on the first Thursday of each month and Stanley’s Cask in Wallasey hosts a Sunday afternoon session once a month.
This is a snapshot view of where to play, sing or listen to trad music locally. There will be others, too, all subject to confirmation, so do check with venues and webpages before you go. Liverpool’s sessions tend to be cosy and welcoming so get there in good time to enjoy a great time!
Trad Locations
Kelly’s Dispensary
154-158 Smithdown Road, Liverpool L15 3JR
+44 (0) 151733 7672
W: dockleafbar.co.uk/kellys-dispensary
F: @KellysDispensarySmithdown
I: @kellysdispensary
Liverpool Irish Centre
6 Boundary Lane, Liverpool L6 5JG
+44 (0) 151 263 1808
W: liverpoolirishcentre.org
F: @LiverpoolIrishCentre
X: @LiverpoolIC
I: @liverpoolirishcentre
It is worth noting that Comhaltas Liverpool have a home at the Centre. Anyone wanting to get involved in Irish music, dance, singing or céilí/set dancing could make enquiries there. You can learn more about the organisation at www.comhaltas.ie
Peter Kavanagh’s
2-6 Egerton Street, Liverpool L8 7LY
+44 (0) 151 709 3443
W: pubheritage.camra.org.uk/pubs/110
X: @peterkavanaghs
77 Tithebarn Street, Liverpool L2 2EN
+44 (0) 151 255 0000
W: shenanigansliverpool.co.uk F
: @shenanigansliverpool
X: @shenanigansliv
I: @shenanigansliverpool
The Caledonia
22 Caledonia Street, Liverpool L7 7DX
+44 (0) 151 306 2496
W: thecaledonialiverpool.com
X: @thecaledonia
I: @thecaledonia
The Belvedere
8 Sugnall Street, Liverpool L7 7EB
W: pubheritage.camra.org.uk/pubs/296
F: thebelvedereliverpool
The Caledonia
22 Caledonia Street, Liverpool L7 7DX
+44 (0) 151 306 2496
W: thecaledonialiverpool.com
X: @thecaledonia
I: @thecaledonia
The Dispensary
87 Renshaw Street, Liverpool L1 2SP
+44 (0) 151 709 2160
W: www1.camra.org.uk/pubs/ dispensary-liverpool-165589
I: @thedispensarypub
The Junction
102 News Lane, Rainford, WA11 7JU
+44 (0) 174 488 2868
W: junctionpubrainford.co.uk
F: @The-Junction-Pub-Rainford
I: @the_junction_pub_rainford
The Saddle Inn
13-15 Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2EZ
+44 (0) 151 236 2029
W: thesaddle-liverpool.foodanddrinksites.co.uk
F: @murrayj726
The White Hart
23 Hope Street, Liverpool L7 7AZ
W: www.whitehartliverpool.co.uk
I: @whitehartpubliverpool/
Stanley’s Cask
212 Rake Lane, Wallasey, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 151 691 1093
F: @p/Stanleys-Cask-100063944265757/
X: @CaskStanley