Each year, the Liverpool Irish Festival seeks the support of city centre and regional landmarks to turn emerald in honour of St Patrick’s Day.
#GlobalGreening was set up by Tourism Ireland and operates internationally. International sites have included: Sydney, Venice, Milan, Hong Kong and Washington DC -and many more- celebrating Irish communities across the world. Turning emerald honours the influence, assimilation and impact Ireland has had and reminds us all of the time, effort and labour of the Irish diaspora.
The Liverpool Irish Centre, Irish Community Care, language and music groups, dance schools and others all have their own activities. As well as these, the Irish Government and Embassy provide various offerings alonside huge events in London, Glasgow and other centres of activity.
To find out more on social media, search the hashtags #GlobalGreening, #StPatricksDay, #FillYourHeartWithIreland and #FeiliePadriag.
We had to wait until the evening of St Patrick’s Day to take our pictures and send our accompanying celebratory messages. Sunset was at 18:19 GMT on 17 March 2021, afterwhich we travelled the region (60+ miles!) taking images of the landmarks that are turning green in honour of the day. Featured in the film below, these sites included:
- Woodside Ventilation Station
- St George’s Hall and Radio City Tower
- St Luke’s/ The Bombed-out Church (still to confirm)
- Steve Prescott Bridge, Warrington
- Greystone Footbridge, St Helens
- Sefton Park Palm House
- Campanile
- Cunard Building, Port of Liverpool and George’s Dock Building
- Liverpool Town Hall
- Wallasey Town Hall.
For younger readers
However, if you have a young one at home and are looking for some post-school fun, My First Focail (Irish Language Learning: https://irishlanguagelearning.com/) have shared some useful play sheets, which you can download here.
Lá Fhéille Pádraig Sona Daoibh go léír!