
Liverpool Irish Festival button badges.

National arts funding and us

Post responding to the 4 Nov 2022 Arts Council England announcement regarding application decisions for entry to the national portfoio organisation 3-year investment programme.

White rocks (c) Fred T.

When the pipes were calling

A short coastal story, from Barbara Marsh, to strike up some nostalgia and recall the pipes of Ireland, calling out to her people...

Dom Phillips - New City Press (c) Patsy Connor

Dom Phillips – A tribute

Patsy Connor, Liverpool Irish Festival Trustee, remembers her friend and Bebbington-born journalist/environmentalist Dom Phillips.

St Brigid (dinner table) place setting in Judy Chicgo's artwork The Dinner Party.

The transformations of Brigid

Judy Mazonowicz considers St Brigid'stransformations in the context of ‘hunger’ and the Irish Government's bank holiday investiture.

A new story for mummers

A new story for mummers

The Armagh Rhymers have become a major hit at the Liverpool Irish Festival. Here they tell us about their new Liverpool story.

Robert Cain etching.

The Story of Cain

Trev Fleming introduces us to the infamous Robert Cain, ahead of a series of tours developed for #LIF2022.