In this limited-edition series of miniature works, Pamela takes the Festival’s Liver Harp to create a small gift for people to find.
Celebrating 21-years of the Liver Harp (because that’s how old we are), Pam’s Liver Harps will relate some of the anniversaries important to Liverpool and Ireland’s shared history. Each Liver Harp will boast a QR code (bringing them here), to register your Liver Harp find.
Anyone who finds a Liver Harp may keep it. We’ll record the QR code reports. Additionally, seekers/finders can take a photo, upload to social media and tag @LivIrishFest and hashtag #LIF2023.
The gifts offer a little knowledge and provide a lovely keepsake.
Register your Liver Harp find
Please, if you’ve found a Liver Harp, take a moment to register it here. This will help Pam understand just how far her work has travelled. It would be brilliant to know where all 40 of our Liver Harps are living!
What does your Liver Harp mean?
Pam has done a wild amount of research to get 40 stories together. Each Liver Harp is numbered and representes one of these stories.
Click here to download the information sheet, which tells you about all 40 Liver Harps.
The art of giving
Though diminutive in scale, the impact is monumental. These lost pieces imply abandonment and displacement, but when found are recognised for their purpose and highlight an important social memory. When you see one, think about it makes you feel; how it relates to the world and what you can do to protect it. You might consider the work’s isolation, vulnerability and endangered status. A Liver Harp represents our Liverpool-Irish connections, what does this mean to us today? How do these combined identities work together? What is your role in accepting people of mixed-heritage? Pamela’s work asks all these questions and many more besides, whilst also providing a fun and engaging activity.
Pamela has always preferred unusual venues. She has exhibited all over the northwest; in derelict buildings, empty spaces, empty shops, building sites. For #LIF2023 she’ll be hiding her Liver Harps in trees, under benches, on walls and across Liverpool’s town centre. Liver Harp seekers should think about points of relevance to the Festival and Liverpool Irish Famine Trail.
As we get closer to the Festival, we’ll reveal what the 40 Liver Harps commemorate and we’ll as people to register their finds.
To follow Pamela, visit Facebook @pamela.sullivan.547 or Instagram @pamelasullivanartist
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