Pride of Sefton dock tours -11 am, Fri 29 Oct

Pride of Sefton dock tours -11 am, Fri 29 Oct 29Oct

Late addition to event listings

Taking in Liverpool’s waterfront in the way many migrants will have over centuries, this tour tells much about the formation of Liverpool’s waterways and those who had a hand in the developments.

Due to scheduled works on the waterways, we are unable to take visitors to Clarence Dock, where many Irish migrants entered the city, this time. Instead, passengers start their tour in the Royal Albert Dock, sailing to Canning Dock, Salthouse Dock, Duke’s Dock, Wapping Dock, Queens Dock, Coburg Dock and Brunswick Dock before returning to the mooring. Lasting almost an hour, passengers will hear about the birth of the docks, their history and the people that made them, transforming a sleepy fishing village in to a City of Empire.

Children must be supervised by those that bring them.

Bookings and timings

Tickets are extremely limited (no more than 12 per journey) so booking is essential. Please be mindful of the limited ticket numbers available and to return unwanted tickets in advance so that other people can take advantage of this free offer.

Tours will leave The Pride of Sefton mooring at 11am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3.30pm on Sat 30 Oct 2021 only.

Please be sure to book for the tour time you want and note the departure time. You are asked to be at the mooring site 10mins before expected departure.

The boat will have to leave on time in order to return and depart for its next tour. It will leave without ticket holders if they are not present.


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29 October 2021

Tours will leave The Pride of Sefton mooring at 11am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3.30pm on Sat 30 Oct 2021 only.


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