On 21 Oct 2021, Liverpool (and Ireland) lost a great Irish Language supporter; Tony Birtill. His invaluable contribution to the conservation, promotion and teaching of the Irish Language on Merseyside will be remembered for many years to come.
A Gaeilgeoir (fluent Irish speaker) and walking enthusiast, Tony was also a keen historian, linguist and educator. Marking two years since he passed, this lecture celebrates a life cruelly cut short. Tony’s library (maintained at the Liverpool Irish Centre) was created by Conradh Na Gaeilge Learpholl in May 2022. It’s open for use by all those with an interest in the Irish language.
Conradh na Gaeilge Liverpool and the Liverpool Irish Festival have jointly organised this event. It will fall on Tony’s anniversary, to celebrate his life and his legacy. Enter to music from Tony’s friends; before hearing from those who knew Tony best, in a space he knew all too well. This year’s memorial lecture: Comrádaí agus Deartháir (Comrade and Brother) will be, fittingly, delivered by his sister Angela Birtill.
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